Microscopy can give beautiful images showing the structure of organisms, tissues & cells or the localization of fluorescently labeled molecules therein. However, by using techniques like FRET, FLIM, FRAP & FCS or tools like fluorescent biosensors & optogenetics also functional information from the studied molecules can be obtained via the microscope.
As part of the NL-BioImaging initiative, we will start organizing work group meetings to strengthen the field of functional imaging in the Netherlands. The aim of the first meeting is to get insight in the researchers & groups that want to participate in this work group, find out what we can learn from each other and discuss e.g. possible organization of joint courses and the need of invited guest lectures.
Therefore, we would like to invite everyone who is interested to join and to provide a short presentation (10-15 min) representing your research group. The first functional imaging work group meeting will be held on Thursday 16 February 2023 from 14.00-17.00 h in Wageningen. After the presentations there will be room for a brainstorm/discussion about different aspects of functional imaging. If you are interested in joining this workgroup meeting please let us know by sending an e-mail before Friday February 3rd 2023, such that we can make a program for the afternoon.
Kind regards,
Mark Hink and Jan Willem Borst