Basic fluorescence microscopy course including lectures, tutorials and practicals
SVI Huygens Software Workshop
All-day in-person workshop on Image Deconvolution, Restoration, and Analysis by SVI at TU Eindhoven
NVvM MinFlux Microscopy workshop
The Erasmus OIC together with Abberior will organize a MinFlux Microscopy workshop
Program includes:
Lectures on MinFlux technology and sample preparation
Hands on sessions

13 November: NL-Bioimaging & NVvM Yearly meeting
The NL-Bioimaging & NVvM Yearly Meeting will take place at Naturalis, in Leiden.
Find the program here
Register here.
SVI workshop object analysis
Claim your spot now and master image analysis with Huygens Advanced Object Analyzer and Tracker in just 3 hours. Explore 3 real-world customer use cases to segment and track objects, analyze ROIs, and extract quantitative data. Course material is provided for free and includes a Huygens Software trial. This comprehensive workshop is offered twice today to suit most time zones.

Basic TEM
“Theory, Basic operation, Image formation, Microscope alignments, negative stain.
5 days course”
For more info contact

11 October: TEM opening AMOLF
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to join the symposium on “Light driven processes monitored inside the TEM” including a celebratory opening of the new TEM user facility with light incoupling at AMOLF in Amsterdam from 9:45-17:30 on October 11th, 2024. The symposium brings together the Dutch TEM and sustainable energy materials communities and highlights recent advances in monitoring chemical and material processes at the atomic level under optical excitation and with fast time resolution. We present a high-level program with four keynote speakers:
· Sophie Meuret (CEMES/CNRS, Toulouse, France)
Exploring the Dynamics of Semiconductors with an Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscope
· Ulrich Lorenz (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Observing Nanoscale Dynamics with Time-Resolved Electron Microscopy
· Armin Feist (Max Planck Institute, Göttingen, Germany)
Merging Electron Microscopy with Advanced Photonics
· Jennifer Dionne (Stanford University, Stanford, United States)
The Light Stuff: Enabling Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing with Atomically-Optimized Photocatalysts
Registration for the workshop is free of charge. The lectures are all at the Turing room, Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre Science Park 125, Amsterdam, while the lunch and TEM opening will be next door at AMOLF, Science Park 104.
We look forward to welcoming you on October 11th.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Wiebke Albrecht & Erik Garnett
Functional Imaging course
Advanced practical microscopy course discussing Functional Imaging techniques (FRET, FLIM, FRAP,..).
FEBS Advanced Course
A 6-days advanced microscopy course for experienced users focused at Functional Imaging Every two years, the van LeeuwenHoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM) organises a FEBS advanced practical course on fluorescence microscopy for PhD students, postdoc and other interested scientists. This year the topic of the course will be focused on visualising cellular dynamics: More information can be found here |
ELMI 2024
The European Light Microscopy Initiative was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment. Its aim is to promote the quickly developing field of light microscopy as a fundamental research tool for the life sciences and to strengthen the channels of communication between researchers, core facilities and industry.
The annual meeting, which has been running for two decades at various venues across Europe, has an excellent reputation within the microscopy community, making this meeting a key event in the calendar of hundreds of scientists and developers. The strength of this meeting lies in the mixture of scientific lectures on state-of-the-art, high-end microscopy combined with “hands-on” workshops and exhibition of the latest technology, organized by the leading companies in the field.