Euro-BioImaging Project

Date: 05/09/2011

Euro-BioImaging Project

Euro-Bioimaging,, is one of four new biomedical sciences projects included in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap update (published in December 2008), Euro-Bioimaging aims to become a European Research Infrastructure (RI) that will address the requirements for biomedical imaging stretching from basic biological imaging to medical imaging.

Euro-BioImaging will address the imaging requirements of both basic and medical imaging communities by creating nodes in many ESFRI member states that will deploy imaging infrastructure in a coordinated and harmonised manner and thus address the fragmentation of such efforts currently present in Europe.

Via the combination of technological and strategic objectives, Euro-BioImaging will provide key elements of successful infrastructures: supporting research, training and innovation in biomedical imaging across Europe.

Recently, NVvM is associated with the Euro-Biomaging project. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to create the governmental and financial framework for the Dutch research infrastructure that will make advanced imaging techniques fully available for the broad biological community.

On June 22nd, 2011, a meeting will be held with the aim to provide information on the Euro-BioImaging project and to give the representatives of institutions and research groups in the Netherlands involved in imaging and microscopy an opportunity to meet and discuss the best way to organize the national BioImaging program.

Meeting Invitation & Program

Contact: Anna Akhmanova