The Dutch Society for Microscopy
De Nederlandse Vereniging voor microscopie, NVvM
- Promotes the strong Dutch tradition of light and electron microscopy,
- Consists in members from universities, institutions and small /large businesses,
- Provides the network to share expertise and equipment,
- Organizes meetings and workshops.
Join NVvM and help to support Dutch Microscopy
- Participate in meetings and workshops and be heard,
- Free or discounted rates for several (inter)national meetings, for example ELMI 2023.
- Apply for support for PhD thesis production (only considered after 2 years membership),
- Apply for travel funds to acquire skills & knowledge.
- Join now!
Recent results by members are exemplified by the covers below.
Your cover here? Sent us (1) your complete thesis >4 weeks before your defense or (2) your journal cover and open access link direct after publication.